Saturday, December 26, 2009

Layers not LEVELZ

Originally I thought this gum was going to be levelz but it turned out to be a real disappointment. The flavor initially is really amazing so it gets points for that but after about 3 minutes I need to spit out the gum. The gum basically turns to mush. Gross! 3 out of 5 chews


This is my signature gum. I can always count on this gum to give me a compliment or two. The flavor is amazing and lasts for a long time. Definitely a favorite.... 4 1/2 out of 5 chews

Friday, December 25, 2009


Seeing that it is Christmas and all I thought it would be perfect to write about my favorite mint gum. The name says it all.... NONSTOP MINT. Amazing. The mint flavor isn't over the top and it lasts for a long time. I highly recommend this gum! 4 out of 5 chews

Thursday, December 24, 2009

For the love of gum

There is no one in this world that loves gum more than me. I have been known to go through several packs of gum in one day. I have decided to create a blog dedicated to gum. In this blog, I will give the good, the bad and the ugly of all the gum that is out there.